Quebec Apples: A Healthy (And Yummy!) Food Choice For Our Kids

At Breakfast Club of Canada, we are committed to providing 21,010 students with a wholesome, well-rounded meal every morning to get their school day off to a good start.
Today, we’d like to take a closer look at the many benefits, nutritional and otherwise, of Quebec-grown apples.
A superfood that’s super good!
- The average apple contains 86% water – and only 70 calories.
- Apples are rich in fibre, which help in absorbing their natural sugars and make you feel like you are full.
- The apples grown in Quebec are red, which means they have more antioxidants and are great for your cardiovascular health.
And apples are conveniently packaged (naturally), making them the perfect addition to any lunch box.
So many ways to enjoy…
Biting into a fresh apple is a treat in and of itself, but you’d be hard-pressed to find a better fruit for baking. It’s a huge source of inspiration for our volunteers who love to whip up breakfast cookies, crumbles and other apple-rific recipes!
250,000+ apples for kids across Quebec
Thanks to the tremendous generosity of our partners at Pommes Qualité Québec (representing Les Producteurs de pommes du Québec and the Association des emballeurs de pommes du Québec), our kids can enjoy this amazing fruit all year round.
Since 2002, Pommes Qualité Québec has donated thousands of apples to our young breakfast program participants. For a better idea of what this collaboration entails, be sure to watch this video of an apple’s journey from the orchard to the breakfast table (only available un French):
PRO TIP: The best place to keep apples is in your fridge’s fruit compartment, loose or in their original packaging. Either way, they’ll stay crisp and delicious longer. (Remember that an apple at room temperature gets softer 10 times faster!)