Potatoes for Breakfast!

The Spaniards discovered the potato in the middle of the 16th century, thanks to the Incas, and brought it back with them to Europe on board their ships. Today, potatoes are everywhere in the world, and cooking without this tuber — especially around the holiday season — is unthinkable! Potatoes are a great option for school breakfast programs and can be used in many ways. Has your program added latkes to your menu rotation?
Latkes are a simple and delicious dish served around the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Latkes became a Hanukkah staple as the nutritious and easy-to-grow potato conquered Europe. Their popularity spread to North America with the immigration of Eastern European Jewish families.
Where to include students: Latkes are made from shredded potatoes and onions. Our recipe uses a food processor, but you can always have students try shredding potatoes with a grater. If you have older students (and enough support!), students can also try cooking the latkes in the pan.
You can dive deeper into the history of Latkes, here.