Nourishing the Future

Our Expertise at Work

Breakfast Club of Canada works closely with schools and community partners to help ensure that every child and youth across the country has access to a nutritious breakfast. With breakfast programs operating in every province and territory in Canada, we are uniquely attuned to the realities and requirements of each school community and our strength lies in our flexible approach and our ability to adapt our support to ensure that school nutrition programs are set up for success.

How does the Club support schools?

Flexible and consistant financing
Distribution of nutritious and varied food
Continuous support and training
Community representation and collaboration

Our impact

School nutrition programs have a positive impact on children, families, schools and society.

From boosting learning capacities and academic achievements to creating a positive school climate and improving well-being through a lighter morning routine at home, breakfast programs contribute to a thriving school environment in more ways than one!

“These are some of the successes we have observed regarding our breakfast program, and which are worth mentioning. For example, the program has helped increased students’ attendance. Some parents appreciate our program and most of them remarked that the program has lessened their food burden—especially providing food in the morning. In addition, we have integrated the breakfast program in our health and wellness agenda. Every morning, for instance, CJYS students sit at a round-table and enjoy breakfast together. This is the moment students are reminded and encouraged to respect themselves and others. This gathering we do every morning in addition to a few minutes of exercise at the gym or fitting room get their minds ready for the day’s instructional activities. Some of the times, I use the opportunity to ask students one by one to tell me the time they slept last night, their home experiences, and other things they feel comfortable to share. Interestingly, some of the students have changed their sleeping time and have testified about the health benefits they derive from early sleeping.”

“When speaking with a staff of our breakfast program, who is also a parent at the school, the outcome that they cherish the most is seeing the communication and socialization of the students in the morning. Students are willing to try new food because their friends like it, students are helping one another – especially the younger students. Making sure that everyone has someone to sit with and everything they need to eat. It is such a positive beginning to their morning that has lasting effects on the entire day!”

At our school, the Club brings students together for breakfast in the morning. This allows them to start their day with a full belly, chatting with friends, doing homework or socializing before class. The Club also introduces students to nutritious foods, so they’re well supported for the start of the day. Students arrive at school earlier for breakfast, so they’re less likely to be late!

Share Your Story with Us

We believe that everyone has a unique and inspiring story to tell.

An important part of our work is making the community more aware of children’s nutritional needs. To this end, we share your stories through social media, public statements, fundraising initiatives and other ways, asking the public to support what we do. We would love to read your stories*. Let us know, in your own words, how your breakfast program is changing lives in your school community.
*Make sure you have permission to share them.