An Effective Food Procurement Partnership!

1 min read
Man standing in warehouse

The Food Depot Alimentaire (FDA), City of Moncton, and Breakfast Club of Canada are proud partners of the Moncton Student Nutrition Program, a food procurement operation that reaches over 2000 kids a day in 26 schools in Moncton and surrounding areas. The program launched in Spring 2017 and has been a great success ever since! For that we have to thank the experienced team at the FDA, who take care of day to day operations for the program and have a very effective process to ensure every school has the food it needs come breakfast time.

Every week, schools simply fill out an order form, selecting which items they would like for their breakfast program. When FDA staff receive the order, they fill it with donations and products purchased in bulk from other partners (=cost saving!) and shop locally to fill the rest of the order, if necessary. That’s what we call stretching every dollar to reach more and more students! The FDA then delivers all orders to the respective schools. What is the result? Schools get their breakfast food orders delivered and they save money!

In addition to this, the FDA also acts as a hub for products from our generous partners, including donations of yogurt from Danone and apple sauce from Motts, as well as grain products purchased at a low cost from General Mills.

This is a great example of a win-win-win partnership. Way to go Moncton Student Nutrition Program!