Rendez-vous Annuel De La Classique: Our Young Reporters Weigh In!

3 mins read
Maya, Carl and Michaël were given a very special assignment

On June 3, Maya, Carl and Michaël were given a very special assignment: attend our signature event and report back on the experience. Here, in their own words, are their impressions of what they saw.



My name is Maya. Two of my friends and I were picked to be the young reporters at Breakfast Club of Canada’s 23rd Rendez-vous annuel de la Classique at Le Mirage golf club owned by Céline Dion.

When we got there, we had to hurry up to go listen to a guest speaker. There were 43 people in the room. Pierre Riel, the Chair of the Board of Directors of Breakfast Club of Canada, explained that his involvement started with the muffins from Costco. Daniel Germain knocked on his door and asked him: “I’d like some of your muffins to feed our kids at breakfast.”

After the talk, we ate a great brunch. There was lots of fruit and desserts. Then we stayed inside to ask the guests some questions. My question was “Why are you helping Breakfast Club of Canada?”

Answer from Benoît Gagnon (TV and radio host): When he was younger, he didn’t know that a friend of his never got the chance to eat breakfast in the morning. When he found out about Breakfast Club of Canada, he immediately fell for the idea.

Answer from Roch Voisine (singer): He has two children, aged 13 and 15. He thinks it’s important for all children to start their day on the right foot. He likes playing in golf tournaments and if he can help feed kids while he’s at it, that’s even better.

Maya, Grade 4


One beautiful Monday morning, I woke up knowing I had an unforgettable day ahead of me at Club de golf Le Mirage.

Josée, our coordinator, took us to the Club and gave us a very specific set of instructions. When we arrived, there was a press conference. Then we were invited to enjoy a delicious buffet-style brunch.

After that, we started to interview people. It went very well and it was a lot of fun. We got to play with Youppi, the Canadiens’ mascot, and had a very long photo session. Then the celebrities who were there went to play golf.

In the end, it was definitely an unforgettable half-day!

Carl, Grade 5


I’m going to tell you what happened to me when I went to Céline Dion’s golf club!

To start, I went to a press conference, where I learned that there are 3,400 volunteers in Quebec working for Breakfast Club of Canada.

The Club was started in 1994 by Daniel Germain when he found out that there were children going to school without breakfast. He thought, “I’ll start something to feed children… for the ones who don’t get breakfast.”

So it’s because of him that Breakfast Club of Canada exists. If a school doesn’t have the right supplies, he gets it for them, and the food too. There are 1,000 schools in Quebec and 800 that could have a breakfast program.

Michaël, Grade 6